Sunday, April 1, 2007

I just don't understand...

I was watching Meet the Press this morning and I just don't understand why politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, can't just give a freaking straight answer! I'm starting to feel like so many issues revolve around the long responses to things. Instead of just a simple yes or no they have to go on for another 3 to 4 minutes explaining why they do feel a certain way without saying they feel that way. For example, Tim Russert asked Patrick Leahy (D-VT) if he felt the Attorney General had lied about the firing of US Attorneys. Leahy responded by saying he felt Gonzales has been less than truthful and yadda yadda yadda... So, if he has been less than truthful then the answer to Russert's questions is YES! YES you do feel that he has lied. Next question please.

Facts get twisted, words are misinterpreted, people read between the lines because politicians can't just answer a freaking question! Short and sweet...they just need to keep their answers short and sweet, why is this so hard? It isn't freaking rocket science!

And on the flip side, Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said he has no problem with people from the White House testifying behind closed doors with no oath and no transcripts and he doesn't understand why others are not ok with this. Hmm...I wonder if he would have been ok with Clinton testifying this way about the whole Monica issue. Or if he would be ok with a member of the Mob saying "Ya know, I'm just going to go to a private room and talk with my fellow mobsters about the possible crimes I have committed. And, oh by the way, no one else can come nor are we going to write anything down." Right, 'cause that is going to happen. Why can't these people get their heads out of their asses and just do what is right rather than what their party is telling them is right.

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