Sunday, August 26, 2007

My Sister Saves the Day!

My sister rocks! It is 11:00 pm and I just realized tomorrow is my last day to make up a chemistry lab I missed due to a birth. I was just going to forget about it, the lab is only 10 points and I have a solid A in the class and feel good about our last exam and the final. Then I remember what I was doing on Friday when I missed my second lab...

What was I doing? Praying to God on the porcelain phone. In other words, I was sick. So sick the offer from my husband's ex-wife to come over and help me and/or take me to the ER was starting to sound like a really good idea. (My hubby would have offered except he had to help take care of people who were dealing with losing their homes from the flooding in Northern Ohio.) Since I couldn't stand without everything getting fuzzy and black and there was an annoying ringing sound in my ears, I decided driving to chemistry class and playing with chemicals probably wasn't the best idea in the world. So I didn't go. There goes another 10 points.

While I could still probably maintain my A in chemistry I would rather play it safe and do this make up lab. So I IM my sister and ask her if she can come up here tomorrow morning and watch my kids. She doesn't even hesitate; she asks if she thinks leaving her house by six will be early enough to miss rush hour. Now that's what I call supporting your local soon to be med student (see previous entry)! I love her so much. She rocks my world! Now if I could find her a good guy who will treat her right...


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