Thursday, July 26, 2007

All week I've been feeling off, just not quite right. I can't describe fully how I have felt...constantly on the verge of tears and not knowing why...empty...feeling like I have forgotten something...sadness...numb. I haven't been able to shake these feelings nor could I figure out why I was feeling this way...until tonight.

I was talking to one of my closest friends and as we finished up our conversation she gently asked me how I was doing this week. Instantly I knew what was going on. I knew why I was feeling the way I was feeling.

Two years ago today I left my house to attend a birth.

Two years and one day ago I watched a woman become a mother. I watched a man become a father. I saw the new mom and dad touch their baby boy. I heard them telling him they loved him and thanking God and Jesus for him. I still hear them. I hear them saying his name over and over again. I hear the mom begging God to help her son to take a breath, then begging God to not take him. I hear the dad talking to his son, gently coaxing him to take a breath. I hear the mom asking God why.

Two years and one day ago today I watched a baby boy come into this world and never take a breath.

In the days and weeks that followed, I also watched a man become a husband and a woman become a wife. The love between these two people could be seen and felt by all. The only thing more overpowering than their love for each other is their love of and faith in God and Jesus. This couple has touched my life and countless others in a way I never thought possible.

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