Friday, July 20, 2007

They just don't get it

I'm always surprised at how little some labor and delivery nurses know about normal labor and birth. I'm currently at the hospital with a client who is being induced. At some point, the machine that goes ping (the monitor) decides to stop working. The nurse brings in the portable monitor and leaves the original one as it is bolted to the cabinet. Mom's contractions have been off and on even with a high dose of the last thing you want to do to this mom is invite a stranger into her room. So what do you think the nurse does? She comes in, leaving the door open, and says there is a repair man here and he is going to come in to fix the monitor. She doesn't ask mom if she is ok with this...she just says it. I look at mom and ask her is she is comfortable with this and she hesitates then says the man can come in. So he comes in says he can fix it but he'll have to come back later when the room isn't in use, as the monitor is screwed down to the cabinet...well, duh!

There are many things that can throw off a woman's labor and this is one of them...a big one, in fact! It just drives me nuts how things like this are overlooked and not considered to be a big deal. Don't women deserve privacy? Most couples didn't need an audience when they conceived their baby why would they want one when they are birthing their baby? I just don't get it...

And on the same note, is it that hard to close a freaking door behind you when entering or exiting a room?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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