Monday, July 12, 2010

I've been a childbirth educator at a small hospital in Ohio for a little over two years. We have the privilege of being the only hospital in the state to offer a true Lamaze class. Our class is 3 hours long and meets once a week for 4 weeks. Generally, of the 10 open seats in the class, 4 are filled a month. Sometimes more and sometimes less. This month I have 7 couples! And they are all birthing at our hospital! (Usually it is about 50/50.)

I was thrilled! Was word finally getting out about our amazing class? Are more people finally wanting to learn more about their birth? Regardless, I was really looking forward to teaching this class series.

After I welcomed everyone I started to give a brief overview of the class. When I started talking about class two, everyone looked confused. One person spoke up and said they thought the class was a one time class...and everyone else nodded their head in agreement. Someone else said that it being a one-time, 3 hour class was the only reason they signed up for it.

My heart sank. I didn't know what to say. I asked them a few questions:
  • How many of you have spent at least 6 hours looking at and registering for baby items?
  • How many of you have spent at least 6 hours designing, decorating and painting the baby's room?
To no surprise everyone raised a hand to at least one question and most everyone to both questions.

WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Why do people put so much importance on things that really don't matter? Really, your baby won't care what color room he/she has!

It is after classes like this that I question why I do what I do.

Why do I spend my entire Sunday away from my family teaching people who really don't give a damn? I could be sitting by the pool, reading a good book, spending some quality time with my husband and kids. I do love what I do...I just wish the parents understood the importance of what is to come for them.

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